I remember posting a look from
Miu Miu's Spring 2010 Collection on my sister's Facebook page about a year ago. I found the collection absolutely hilarious with all the ridiculous prints from nude women to small cats. My (twin) sister's name is Catherine. We call her Cat for short. Cat loves cats. She loved the collection (in a funny non-serious way).
I thought the cat prints were so incredibly tacky and reminiscent of my third grade teacher, Mrs.Hararcz. Mrs. Hararcz was infamous for her tacky sweaters. No one, and I mean no one could out tacky her sweaters. You know the ones I'm talking about.. the frumpy, shapeless cardigans with a classroom scene of teacher in front of her students smiling pointing at the chalkboard with her ruler. Which is ironic because Mrs.Hararcz never smiled. In fact she THREW OUT my 64 pack of Crayolas because I was "making a scene" after spilling a few on the ground! I will never forget that. Maybe that's why I wasn't keen on the prints, because they reminded me of my rage-aholic teacher. Annnnyways that's who I imagined Miu Miu's target customer- a frumpy school teacher.
Here are some visuals to help you out.
I know
Tavi has been flaunting her Miu MIu gear for a while now, but l still wasn't convinced that real (chic) people wear the cats.
However, most recently I have been seeing these Miu Miu prints everywhere. The seemingly infinite ways to make these cheesy print look chic made me fall in love.
I imagine Miuccia Prada was probably inspired by these rather "hip" cats.
Were you skeptical of the prints? Change of heart, perhaps?
i love Miu Miu!!! AMAZING!!! your blog is really cute, will you follow mine? It's new and i need followers!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks for all the kind words darling! I love seeing how fashion lovers store their clothes! Snap some pics of your closet or jewelry collection and I'll feature you on my blog :)I just went through some of your posts and I love your blog! Your styling is great and the pics you post are quite inspirational. I'll def be following you :)
Oh, and I was def skeptical of the prints but who can resist kittys? Love to see someone pull it off.
ohh goodness, I'm in love with your blog! I like posh's way of wearing the print best -- simple and elegant. but I also like the heels in the picture after
great post! following <3
I think the miu miu ss10 collection will be remembered as one of the most wearable and popular collections of the decade. I think it shows a real shift in what people want to wear from being serious to being more whimsical and self expressive. It really brought out the playful child in alot of people that I thought were too serious (posh for example)! My personal favorite part of the collection was the 70's shape of the collars - so pointy and fabulous! great photos of everyone wearing the whimsical prints! Thanks :)
Zhenya and Chelsea, thanks for following!
Emma you make such a great point. Style.com's review of the show included a quote from Prada "I was questioning innocence, questioning youth. What do they mean today in a world that's the opposite?"
I think there is definitely a satirical quality with the prints. And the collars are witty which I adore.
Thanks for the comments!
Hi Hunnie...thanks for stopping by my blog and for your super sweet comments, of course Id love for us to follow each other....I added myself to your reader list:)
And....I totally love those little checkered pants!!!
Stop by and say Hello ♥
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cool pics! i love the prints.
~ x♥x♥ :)
~ x♥x♥ :)
~ x♥x♥ :)
I was skeptical at first, but I am started to love them, too.
Please check out/follow my blog. I love yours!
nice post and nice blog! thank you for your comment. I love Miu Miu prints...maybe because I love cats!
The assortment of colors are nice and Victoria Beckham always looks great.
i love miu miu ! the items are great !
I love Miu Miu. They made a great move to do these prints.
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