

OK, so, this is getting kind of addicting. I've done this bloggin' jazz before (1st post explains everything- I'm a blog whore...shhhh) but there has never been this nagging need to go on and check on it every five minutes. This is almost getting more addicting than Facebook. I can see the shock on your faces now with that statement.."BLASPHEMY! I SHALL NEVER RETURN TO C'EST DEMODE FOR AS LONG I SHALL LIVE!"

Today marks the 1 week anniversary of my blog! It's kind of a big deal. If you have your own blog you know that blogspot.com has a stats page that allows you to see how many views you have and what countries the viewers are from.  You will never guess how many views I have received. Drum roll please.............200! Yes, a whopping 200! I know I'm practically a blogging superstar now. I assume Anna Wintour will be calling any minute asking me to write a special article on my success.

Sarcasm aside, it was really cool to see that people are looking at my blog or at least they accidentally followed my link from the Sartorialist.  On top of that, some of the viewers were international - from Canada,  the Netherlands, and Spain to name a few! If I had to guess it was definitely Avril Lavigne, Princess Maxima of the Netherlands, and obviously Javier Bardem.

Princess Maxima of The Netherlands, pictured leaving the Claridges Hotel in London. UK.

I don't want to jinx myself, but I really do think this blog will be different than my last 13 blogs that are now floating out there in cyberspace (most of which never made it past a week). Those poor little guys. I imagine it being very cold, dark, and lonely place out there in cyberspace. My blogs floated apart and and they have no one to rant to about their neglectful mother. Every once in a while they get knocked into by other angry blogs of failure. Those, poor and unfortunate souls. Mommy misses you blogs 1-13.....sikeeee. There's a new baby in town and she's cute and adorable and she goes by the name C'EST DEMODE and she going to be a cyberspace STARRRRRR!

Au Revoir!


P.S.  J'adore the comments everyone's been leaving!! Keep 'em coming!

P.S.S. There will be a more fashionable post tomorrow. Scout's honor.


Anonymous said...

You forgot about Shakira visiting over here, yay.

raven said...

Cheers to your one week!! And to many many more ;) (RIP 1-13)


Tess said...

Dear anonymous #2, I'm flattered that you have recently decided to rummage through the C'EST DEMODE archives!

xxo Tess S.