Bridget Foley of WWD recently wrote an article "Is Fashion An Endangered Species?"
I can't read the article since I don't have a subscription to WWD but I found the title itself quite intriguing. I now will present to you what one would assume the article was about...
As the title preludes, fashion is indeed a living species.
Legend has it that this species, known as fashion beasts, are a half human half lion hybrid.

They are raised to learn the difference between the mode (fashionable) and the demode (unfashionable).

In their pubescent years they scour the streets to prey upon the demode ones in order to keep the delicate fashion ecosystem balanced.

In adulthood, they move from the streets to the runways.
But why are fashion beasts becoming endangered?
Sadly, the fashion beast community has been threatened by imposters. These imposters seek the elite status of true fashion beasts. This has resulted in innocent fashion beasts slaughtered by their imposters.

A lion wearing a wig= not a fashion beast

A girl wearing a lion head= not a fashion beast. And absolutely no true fashion beast would be caught dead wearing a tiny top hat.
Due to the decreasing number of fashion beasts, the demode population is running rampant with no one to stop them.


Courtney Love

Amy Winehouse

Nicki Minaj
Something has to be done to keep balance in the fashion ecosystem. I don't think I can handle seeing any more assless glitter pants.
On another note, if there is anyone who was actually able to read the article "Is Fashion An Endangered Species?" I would love to know how close my post was to the article.
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Oh gosh, this is so funny, where do yo get all those ideas from? they are hilarious!
See you :)
haha, love this. great blog
Haha, this is hysterical! I wonder where Gaga falls into the mix.
aw thanks! I'm following you too now.
haha, and great post.
wow, that's all i can say. you have a cute blog. following you now, hope you do the same.
Wow. lol
Follow @UnraveldTreads on Twitter!
Just came across your blog and am a huge fan! very awesome posts you have shared!
absolutely love this! Fabulous pictures girly!
another hilarious post!
fashion ecosystem, haha!
Oh man this was HILARIOUS. Totally made my day.
I didn't read the article but yikes what scary pics. Especially the ones of Ke$ha.
great post!
nicki minaj makes me gag. literally. thanks a lot for the glitter pants picture. and the last sentence totally makes this whole post. <3
You have an amazing blog!
Start dreaming on
Ha, so funny.
Amy is definitely the worst for looking so skanky - but hopefully she'll get it together soon :/
Rosie x
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xx Emma
I love this post, is soooo funny!!
kesha GENUINELY frightens me :/ x
Love the photos! Brought a smile to my monday :) xx
Hilarious!! Too funny!! OMG!!!
Happy Monday!
love your blog and your post!!
Some people really destroy fashion with their choices, especially the ones in the last pictures! Loved your post!
Kisses, Froso from Style Nirvana
very interesting post!
Lol I love this post.. it's so true.
Great post, lovely blog!
this is an amazingly well written post. yes u are right there are many fashion imposters who seek attention and seek to shock. total shame.
I like your interpretation of the title. Love the photos! & I didn't realize Nicki Minaj had such a huge butt... haha
Kesha always gets it wrong.
great post :)
Hi wow, I love your blog. Cool editorial. I love your writing's very, well I can't quite think of a phrase interesting enough to put here but it would make uncle karl tres proud. I agree the ass pants have to go. uuh! C'EST DEMODE!
haha oh gosh, you are great! I love Nicki Minaj, especially her badunkadunk but I'm kind of scared of it at the same time haha
This is hilarious! Definitely will be following your blog on bloglovin!
xx Melina
.but i like it.
Haha! This is hysterical, and I'm with you on the assless glitter pants! Not so pretty!
Aesthetic Lounge
brilliantly written
pat yourself on the back
I loved loved loved this :)
haha! This gave me a good chuckle! I love the photos you used to illustrate this... and the end line... about assless glitter pants? Well, it can't be topped!!! (Yes, three exclamation marks. Very deserving of each!)
super interesting article! youre hilarious!
haha you are amazing truly! just love you and fake karl for always keeping me laughing at fashion and not taking it all too seriously
would love to read the article myself too
This was a hilarious post you know. I did not read the actual article but it can't be more entertaining than yours. :) Who is Nicki Minaj BTW.
I'm now happily following you.
Look forward to hearing from you
Tashrin - A Toronto based personal style blog
lmao assless glitter pants? oh man yeah those win the unfortunate award of 2010
thanks for stopping by :)
I am actually crying because this is soooo funny...even my husband laughed out loud...and he is a tough crowd.
Omg this is great!!
thanks for following my blog, I've followed u back and am loving reading through your old posts, some are hilarious!! xxx
Sorry, didn't read the article.
Anyway, i think Nicki Minaj has some kind of orderliness when it comes to fashion.
She's the only one who looks well together.
I really am not a fan but i just though so.
Omg, the post is so funny!
I love it.
Although, we are criticizing these people fro being DIFFERENT!
Not dressing like the rest of us. Funny anyway
lol! you are too funny.. I actually really like the first photo on here.. <3
Absolutely brilliant post! Those lion/human hybrids are definitely going to haunt my dreams, possibly while wearing assless glitter pants. So, thanks for that.
I went back to your older posts and I love this one too!
Stay Happy and Positive!
Hi, I am a fashion design student at AAU and run across this blog while doing research on this very article. I just thought I would put my twocents in. I do have access to and the article is about how the general public's focus is no longer on the garments themselves, but rather on who's wearing them. The focus should be on the different elements of design not the high rank social status of who's wearing it (like celebs). People are missing the whole point of the design and the artistry behind it.
The opening paragraph was (in exact words): Fashion with a capital F. The kind produced by the masters of the genre, and that used to be celebrated for its artistry, its provocation, its trickle-down influence, the dreams it inspired- has that kind of fashion joined the ranks of the bighorn sheep and the West Indian manatee? Which is to say, is it endangered?
This article is a great one to read! You should look into a subscription to WWD, it's worth it! Hope this helps!
ahahaha! great article! well-done!
Nice photos! I like it ;)
Re: the Lion and the imposter...
It's the best laugh I've had in ages!
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