Last night I had the strangest dream, I was front row at a fashion show and men in bearded skull caps came out and were dancing in nothing but manties.

What's that you say....this wasn't a dream?
Frankie Morello actually opened his fall 2011menswear show with nearly naked men in faux beards and manties doing a little ballet number (note the super cute/manly ballet slippers).
Throughout the show these men were tumbling into boxes, hiding in boxes, and standing on boxes.
Pretty much anything that could be done with a box they were doing.
It looked more like an ill choreographed gymboree session than a fashion show.
After watching the show, I was slightly horrified and a tad amused.
My only question is what is the ungodly price of humiliation these models/dancers were paid?
oh. my. word. that is as hilarious as it is disturbing. I'm speechless! but I loved the runway looks a lotttttt.
thanks for following (:
Awesome topic!
Haha that is funny, but also strange!
strange x
Woah... such a weird start to a fashion show! I would've thought I was dreaming / drugged if I saw that :S x x
Oh my, what a weird way to start a fashion show, but i bet it really made the audience want to know what else was going to be in the fashion show! xx
This is a bit frightening!! Like, really? ha
That's kinda cool! ((:
This is really amuzing..! Hm, specific, but interesting, thanks for sharing. ~
thank you FRANKIE!!! I agree it is completely FRIGHTENING and bizarre.....
I've been thinking something very similar with this idea (No NOO! the naked-dancers-models)
But what is the limit between "art" and madness? sometimes some people justify them through art. And thanksfully we are not obligated to understand them.
See you!
Bahahah. Love your random fashion posts. The choreographed gymboree session reference made me dieeee.
Crazy strange!
Wow, how strange! I feel like it takes away from the actual show a bit, your eye immediately goes to the almost naked man.
xx Melina
.but i like it.
I guess he was hoping the manties and boxes would distract from some of the woolen jumpers and shopping bags...
@Anonymous I think you finally unraveled the mystery behind the men in manties. Thank You.
Oh, god. How creepy! Way to take the focus OFF the clothes.
How amazing! This is so strange/interesting ;) I wonder if they were humiliated or if they thought they were creating art?
Hahaha.. ohhhh dear- I think that whereas perhaps the idea was to entertain the audience, I would honestly find myself distracted from the clothes being exhibited by the mantie men (lolol)! I love how you presented this- at one point, I seriously thought you were having this dream, and when I saw the picture, I was like, "How in the world did she find a picture to match her dream?!" ;P
Thank you so much!! I'm so pleased you like my blog! :D
*Claudia* x
Molto ❤ Fashion
OMG this is hilarious.
ive never seen any thing in a show like this before ! great post !
i would love if you could check out my blog and tell me what you think
ive never seen any thing in a show like this before ! great post !
i would love if you could check out my blog and tell me what you think
;;;;;O:::::::D HAH:D
hahahaha this made me laugh a little. it is a bit creepy right?! thanks so much for your comment & for following. we are now following you too! <3
hope to hear from you soon!
xo, camilla & valerie
well... it is definitely funny, haha...
looks like an interesting show to watch x
I was more than a tad bit amused. Thats insane and definitely disturbing. I wonder what made them think that would be a good idea.
♥Stolen Stiletto
loool u are too funny !!! now following :D
What a strange and yet utterly fabulous fashion show!! :)
That's very interesting..and different haha.
HAHAHA. I laughed. Out loud. A lot. I don't know whether I should like it or not.Usually, the thought of nearly nude men means the very opposite of dislike, but under the context, it's a little disturbing when ballet is thrown into it. So funny!
loved this show a lot
Yowza that's disturbing. I only hope those beards are enough to hide those poor guys' identities--and shame.
creeped out!
this is a bangin blog! xoxo
This is amazingly weird...And I digg it.. loving your blog hon =)
OMG!! just awesome!! :)
great post
That`s hilllarious!!! thanks for that:)
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